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Issue 6 of the 404 Ink Magazine publishes next month; partnered with summer’s Space-themed edition, this issue sees us dive into more terrestrial matters. This time round, the magazine’s array of poetry, fiction and non-fiction explores the immense topic of Earth

We’ve already introduced you to our wonderful contributors - but what about our features? It’s quite a lineup.

AMANDA PALMER opens up about the conflict of being an environmentally aware musician.

“There is no way to walk invisibly on the earth. We know it. And we all struggle with our hands slipping on the dial of desire, commitment, accountability and responsibility.”  

SALENA GODDEN talks about what it means to be a poet activist.

"I cannot be true to me and live here in 2019 and not write all that I see and hear and feel and hope and fear and love. We live in tumultuous times, terrifying most of it, and the writing of this, the narration of events, the documenting of these times is a vital part of a poet’s path."

KARINE POLWART describes the importance of land and environment to her art.

“I’m interested in all the other human connections that there have been to a place and all the other forms of life that live there and how they’re all interconnected. I think our survival depends on understanding that interconnectedness better. It’s not possible to overstate the importance of it.” 

ANNA MCNUFF reflects on her attempt to run 100 barefoot marathons.

"The greatest challenge is doing it day after day because I think there’s this misconception sometimes that I leap out of bed and high five the air and think ‘Oh yes! You know what I really want to do today? I want to go and run 23 miles in my bare feet!’ And I don’t. I peel my face off the pillow and think ‘Oh my gosh, can I just sit around and watch Disney movies in the dark all day?’"

Alongside these belters, we talk to musician Rowan Piggott about his music project raising awareness of the plight of the UK's bee population, give a round-up of some of the coolest eco-projects happening at the moment, and chat to several of our own authors about their plans and accomplishments. 

Excited? We can't wait to share the full pieces with you. 

Out December 2019. You can pre-order your copy here:

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