404 Ink receives £65k Creative Scotland funding for upcoming titles & internship
At a time of huge cuts to arts funding in Scotland, we continue to be grateful for receiving funding from Creative Scotland. We’ve been awarded £65,000 to publish our next books coming in 2024 and 2025 and to continue our successful In(k)ternship scheme that we ran in 2022.
An image showing 5 upcoming books over 2024 indicating which have been funded by Creative Scotland and which have not
We won’t be announcing the new 2024 titles for a little while yet (why not have fun trying to figure out the clues instead?) as we work frantically in the background to get all the necessary deets together but we can say we’ll be opening applications for our internship scheme again towards the latter half of the year, for 3 positions that will take place from approximately January to August 2024. If you’d like to learn about the application process, information on how the 2022 applications were ran is available here. We may tweak the process a bit for 2023 but for now, it’s a good indication of what you can expect.
That’s all for now! You’ll be hearing a lot more from us over the coming months now that we’re certain we can make the next books happen, a feeling that can’t be taken for granted.