Inklings #21: All the Violet Tiaras - Jean Menzies


For a period in time that gave us Sappho, and the love affair of Achilles and Patroclus, the Ancient Greek relationship with queer folk is a lot more complicated than at first glance. Yet, as ancient historian and author Jean Menzies highlights in this book, ancient Greek myths are being told anew by LGBTQ+ writers and readers to explore modern day queer joy and queer struggles. They are queering the Greek myths.

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For a period in time that gave us Sappho, and the love affair of Achilles and Patroclus, the Ancient Greek relationship with queer folk is a lot more complicated than at first glance. Yet, as ancient historian and author Jean Menzies highlights in this book, ancient Greek myths are being told anew by LGBTQ+ writers and readers to explore modern day queer joy and queer struggles. They are queering the Greek myths.

For a period in time that gave us Sappho, and the love affair of Achilles and Patroclus, the Ancient Greek relationship with queer folk is a lot more complicated than at first glance. Yet, as ancient historian and author Jean Menzies highlights in this book, ancient Greek myths are being told anew by LGBTQ+ writers and readers to explore modern day queer joy and queer struggles. They are queering the Greek myths.

For a period in time that gave us Sappho and the love affair of Achilles and Patroclus, the Ancient Greek relationship with queer folk is more complicated that at first glance. Tales as old as antiquity persevere, whether the goddess of love Aphrodite, Tiresias, the prophet who spent time as both man and woman, or the infamous Heracles. But, what can these ancient stories offer our contemporary world?

Historian Jean Menzies dives into the world of queer retellings and the Greek myths being told anew by LGBTQ+ writers. From explorations of gender and identity across millennia, to celebrating queer love in its many forms, All the Violet Tiaras invites readers to discover the power to be found in remaking these myths, time and again, carving a space for queer stories to be told with all the complexity and tenderness they deserve, with a goddess or two for good measure.

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