404 is open for submissions!

Hello, folks.

It’s been a while, and an unpredictable, surprising while at that. We, like everyone else, have had our own ups and downs through these months of lockdown, but are excited to emerge at this point with some news: 404 Ink is open for submissions!

We’re accepting fiction, non-fiction and poetry for a set window of 31st August 2020 to 31st October 2020. We’re also launching a new project a few weeks down the line, so keep an eye out for that. We’re also making a push to be more accessible with our submissions and have made some changes:

  • We’ve got rid of the majority of surrounding admin that we request alongside your book - no more chapter by chapter breakdown, one page synopsis, etc

  • We now only request small text summaries of the book and a biography of the author - basically, instead of jumping through admin hoops: tell us about your book, why you love it, and why it could have a home at 404

  • We’ve added some resources that we plan to build on, ranging from Tips and Information on what’s useful to include in your text summaries to explaining the submissions process, and case studies on how some 404 titles came to be

We have plans to add more as this window goes on and keep improving this. Our favourite thing is discovering a new book or author that grips us, inspires us, excites us, makes us snort laugh - we want to make it as easy as possible for people to submit books that they care about.

So what are we looking for? How can you submit? Full information is available at 404ink.com/submissions

Can’t wait to read your brilliant books.

NewsHeather McDaid