Meet the 404 Ink editorial team

404 Ink has been banging on about the first issue of our literary magazine - on the theme of Error - for a few weeks now, but we thought it was about time we let you know who will be reading and selecting your work.

The editorial duo is Heather McDaid and Laura Jones.

Heather McDaid & Laura Jones

Heather is a freelance writer and publishing person, who has worked with music magazines since the age of 18, including Upset, Rock Sound and DIY.  She also works across the book world doing odd jobs, like marketing and coding. [@heathermmcd / Website]

Laura, also a freelancer, works in production and is the Social Media Manager for 2016's Bloody Scotland crime festival. She also worked as Editorial and Marketing Assistant with leading independent publisher Saraband and has numerous clients in publishing. [@laurafjones / Website]

Together they ran Scot Lit Fest, the Saltire Society's inaugural virtual literary festival celebrating Scottish literature in June 2016, featuring authors including Michel Faber, Diana Gabaldon and Val McDermid.

They have a knowledge of and enthusiasm for literature in general, but also a strong love of Scottish writing and want to see it continue to thrive.

What has that got to do with anything, you ask? Well, with being passionate about Scottish literature, they believe the best way to break out of the bubble is to include those from further afield. Issue One will feature primarily Scottish writing (remember, we're also accepting submissions in Scottish Gaelic), but with a chunk carved out for writers and creators from all over. Our Gaelic readers will be announced at a later date.

404 Ink's literary magazine will be available in both print and online. For full information on our first issue and how to be part of it, visit our submission page. We can't wait to see where error takes you.


A Patreon crash course, and its piece in the 404 puzzle


So, what are 404 Ink up to?