Inklings #8: No Man's Land - Anne East

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No Man's Land: Living Between Two Cultures by Anne East
Other formats: EBOOK

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No Man's Land: Living Between Two Cultures by Anne East
Other formats: EBOOK

No Man's Land: Living Between Two Cultures by Anne East
Other formats: EBOOK

Many individuals – especially of non-white heritage – are suspended in an identity limbo. The need to divide and separate our lives, even ourselves, into neat boxes means that many British-born people with no ties to their parental culture are left adrift within our society. This is Anne East’s experience.

Neither able to claim one culture as her own or be fully accepted by all groups within British society as the Brit she is, it’s a no man’s land of cultural loss. In <i>No Man’s Land</i>, Anne explores this chasm in more detail, how it is to feel one thing and yet be perceived as another, the emotions felt within this limbo, and why culture truly matters. More so, she considers how this has manifested through history, and the British Empire, with focus on the often unheard or ignored impacts on those of East and Southeast Asian heritage.

Here, we enter the liminal space between two cultures; both home and not home at once.

Anne East is a freelance writer and currently lives in Suffolk. After having two children, she decided to quit the nine to five and go it alone as a content writer – finally using the degree she spent three years studying for. When she’s not staring at a computer screen, Anne likes to bake and run. She’s also learning Spanish.

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