Announcement Laura Jones-Rivera Announcement Laura Jones-Rivera

404 Ink Issue 1: Alive and ready to pre-order.

You’ve been patient with us since our launch two and a half months ago, but here it is: Error. You’ve helped us explore the realm of mistakes, mishaps and the friendly 404, and now we’re ready to show off what we’ve got ahead of publication in late November.

Through fiction, non-fiction, poetry and comics, we travel the vastness of space down to microscopic particles, through the darkest of times, nights out, other worlds and prophecies. Coffee cups, arty mishaps, politics, gaming, glitches of the mind – we asked where you see error and, as you can tell, you didn’t disappoint.

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Announcement Laura Jones-Rivera Announcement Laura Jones-Rivera

So, what are 404 Ink up to?

Hello. You found us. If you're here it means that on some level, you've heard of 404 Ink. It's been almost a week since we launched, and we have a few followers, submissions for issue one, and even a few Patrons already. This is all very exciting, and you are all wonderful.

It's been a hell of a week, but we've yet to delve a bit more into who we are and what we're doing. So we thought we should start there.

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